Might And Magic Heroes Vi.exe , D3dx9_40.dll

Might And Magic Heroes Vi.exe , D3dx9_40.dll 7,0/10 4429 reviews

Might and Magic Heroes VI v1.8.0 Update info: Patch 1.8 release notes - Bug fixes: - Campaign/Scenarios - In the 1st Necropolis campaign map, the portal that leads to Jorgen looks available before defeating Salvatore. In the 4th Stronghold campaign map, at the beginning of the map, there is a revealed spot that has no interest for the user. Kiril has two swords in his hand during the reputation upgrade scene. In the 4th Inferno campaign map, a black texture can be observed in the background when converting the town of Bel-Zeri - In the 2nd Inferno campaign map, a glitch can be seen in the conversion cinematic, when converting towns to Inferno. In the 4th Haven campaign map, the hero is overlapped by the Inferno castle's texture.

Np: 'C: Program Files (x86) Ubisoft Might & Magic Heroes VI Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe' /offline.

In the 2nd Haven campaign map, not all enemy creatures are shown in the encounter window, when attacking a fort found in the western part of the map. In the 2nd Inferno campaign map, there is an unreachable pile of gold near in Necropolis fort, in the western part of the map.

In the 4th Stronghold campaign map, the game crashed when the user selected the Creature recruitment tab in the town of Ur-Salos. Fortune of Crag Hack map - Quest item present on Multiplayer map - In the 2nd Dance Macabre campaign map, the VFX of the 'Staff of the Netherworld' is visible when the Hero is inside a ship. In a tale of two Guardians map, no information provided in the Pyramid tooltip about the Dragon Pharaoh quest. In a tale of two Guardians map, the Lord Xeen’s army is triggered too early and it is too aggressive.

In Dance Macabre - The Mask of the Black Death campaign map, 'Thunder Cup' quest item was found on the map. A tale of two Guardians - Kalindra is an enemy AI present on the map and the user shouldn't be able to recruit her from the Hall of heroes. Gold Edition Map - Lord Haart is an AI hero present on the map, the player shouldn't be able to recruit him from the Hall of Heroes. A princess of Varn - Primary Quest marker is not displayed on the in game map menu. 4th Inferno campaign map - Wrong deployment area for creatures in combat map. Gold Edition Map - Lord Haart should have a higher level. Gold Edition Map - The quest markers for recapturing the Dwarf buildings do not disappear from the Kingdom overview map until reaching the next building.

Tutorial - The stack of Vestals does not join the hero's army. Prologue - 'Get attuned to the Sword of Griffin' secondary quest cannot be completed without fighting each combat manually. The Fall of the House of Bull - The quest items 'Dragon Eyes' are not removed from the hero inventory after completing the quest 'The Gate'. Dynasty Weapons/Traits/Pets - Staff of Sandro - The description of the 'Transfer Life' ability contains a placeholder value when it's affecting a stack. The 'Wrath of the Orcs' ability of the Malathua's Cleaver dynasty weapon generates debug text in the event log.

The level 3 (Sephiel's Voice) ability of the Heartending Song gives too little heal. Alma is to small and it’s very hard to spot on the adventure map. The level bar of a Dynasty Weapon shows a constant value. Same color is used for the progress bar and numeric values in the Dynasty Weapon's upgrade bar. The Dynasty Weapons equipped by a hero can't be changed. The dynasty weapon cannot be used again if the 'lock dynasty weapon' option was used.

Achievements - The mana spent in manual combat is doubled in 'Channeler' achievement's counter. Close and Personal - Using any other type of attack except melee will cause the combat not to be counted for the 'Close and Personal' achievement. For Blood and Honor - Inconsistency between the name of the week in the achievement's description and in-game. The user gets the 'Tears affinity' achievement, if another user makes the Tears upgrade before him. 'No Guts, No Glory' achievement is unlocked only if the Dragonwraith is defeated after another heal is performed when the creature's HP bar is fully restored.

'Finesse' achievement is not unlocked after defeating Giovanni in the required time. Abilities/Creatures abilites - In the abilities window the reset button had a 2nd line '(Aptitudes)', this isn't displayed anymore. The concept of MIGHT affinity hero vs MAGIC affinity hero is not introduced clearly enough. The might defense bonus received from Stone Skin spell is shown with a minus instead of a plus on friendly creatures. The Lich's 'Life Drain' ability has a misleading value in its tooltip. Abitity 'Acolyte of Fortune' displays no description for ability in tooltip. Instead Title is displayed twice.

“Natural Born Leader” ability displays no description for ability in tooltip. Instead Title is displayed twice.

Using the Sun Crusader's 'Sun Steed' ability will cause an existent 'Guardian Angel' effect to disappear from the unit. The Centaur's 'Vigilant Scout' special attribute is not used when the enemy creature is at two or less squares away from the Centaur. Hero can sabotage or plunder his own mine. The description of the Arachne's level 5 ability contains the value 0/. The Abilities that summon elementals will summon more creatures than stated in the spell book. Defender I ability - Inconsistency between tooltip and behavior. Assailant I - Inconsistency between tooltip and behavior.

The 'Blizzard' ability last for 1 turn although in the description says that it lasts 2 turns. Yume'Ice Armor' specialization is missing. The Blazing Glory's 'Searing Light' ability will cause Blazing Glories to die and not be resurrected after the combat. The number of Blazing Glory creatures that die from using the 'Searing Light' ability is not shown on the combat map.

Blazing Glories that die when using the 'Searing Light' ability cannot be resurrected during combat. The Wanizame's 'Blood Frenzy' will cause 100% of the creature's normal damage rather than the stated 30%. No icon for the passive ability awarded by 'Emerald Yumi Bow' in the Spellbook. The bonus to the 'Diplomat' ability awarded by the 'Master Diplomat' specialization is too small to make a difference. Light Magic ability value given in the tooltip during the duel for the Celestial armor is 0%. Sanctuary Reputation ability level 1 for Might heroes is not displayed in the spell book. Debug text can be seen when attempting to use the Mizu-Kami's 'Spirit Bond' skill on a unit when it is already active on another creature stack.

No mana will be gained through the 'Meditation' skill if the hero uses the spell when under 20% mana. The Siege Master II ability is functional in normal Duel maps. The description of the Dreamwalker's 'Sky and earth' special ability contains the value 0. The game crashes when the user places a creature stack one square behind the designated area, during the 'Tactics' phase. The game crashes when the user casts the 'Terror' spell on the Idol of Storms structure.

The player can use the 'Sabotage Mine' and 'Plunder Mine' on his mines. No specialization present for Acamas in the Heroic Abilities page of the Ability tree. Vampires and Vampire Lords cannot be attacked when they have the 'Out of Time' buff.

The 'Blizzard' spell can't be cast 2 times over the same area - 'Pressed attack' ability has the same bonus for blood and tears reputation. The Lich's 'Drain Life' ability doesn't work if the stack that is attacked dies. Localization/Text fixes - Town dwellings now indicate the number of creature per week in their tooltip.

In the 2nd Haven campaign map, inconsistency between voice and subtitles in Voices that appear after having defeated air elementals on the bridge. During the 1st Prologue Mission, missing subtitles in video in Russian version. During Prologue, missing translation in dialog window (text and sound). Missing tooltips for Kirin's special ability. When an Artifact Set is equipped, the tooltip box is too small - In the Diving Attack's tooltip there is no information about the special ability's cooldown.

In the final campaign map, Malassa's Daughter's monologue after having conquered the fort displays inconsistency between audio and subtitles. Placeholders and not translated texts in Chinese version. In the 3rd Inferno campaign map, line in dialogue when orcs attack displays inconsistency between voice and subtitles in both instances line are triggered. Wrong and missing speaker name in intermission sequences. Slightly inconsistency present at intermission sequence after defeating breeder queen. In the 2nd Sanctuary campaign map, when Karloff arrives by boat in the fight screen appears Katsue instead of Karloff - In the Final campaign map, inconsistency between voice and subtitles.

In Necropolis' Hall of Heroes, some of heroes' name is not localized. No translation for 'My Dynasty' in main menu. 'Hz' not localized in the video settings of the main menu. Grammar issue present in a certain string of the My Dynasty tooltip. The name 'Duke Slava' is displayed non-localized in My Only Dynasty favorite Hero, My Dynasty Heroes and Hero Info screens. My Dynasty Heroes - Information - 'ScrollLabel' not localized in Russian version. My Dynasty Heroes - Dynasty Weapon - 'Label' not localized in Russian version.

Debug string present in abilities titles for Prince Slawoj and Kiryl in the Polish version. Sveltana's background story is not localized - Missing translations for “Sir Jaywoods” hero name. Inconsistency between text and audio during the Intro cinematic. Duplicate string in tooltip for 'Master of water' abilities. Title displayed twice and missing description for all hero specialization abilities. Grammar agreement issue in duel type string.

Debug text is generated in the event log when using the 'Lightning Rod' ability of the Thunder Staff. 'Goldmine' is not localized in German version. The description of the 'Power of the Lich' ability of the Staff of Sandro contains a placeholder value. Tears Path - Debug text as the description of the Spring Spirit's Temple.

Incorrect reference in the tooltip of the 'No Retaliation' attribute of the Spirits during Inferno Campaign Boss Fight. The tool tips of the 'View online profile' and 'Compare achievements' buttons are not localized, if accessing them in game.

In Duel Mode, the numbers below the stacks of units are too big and the lower part of them is cut-off. The Taunt ability has debug text present in the tooltips. The tooltip for 'Anathema” on Polish Localization states that the enemy suffers from '- 0%' Morale - Wrong description of the 'Haste' talent in the Hero creation menu. Incorrect message received after being defeated by the AI. The names of the maps are not displayed on the client's loading screen if the host has Korean SKU installed - The debug text 'undefined' is displayed for the faction of the open slots in the game lobby. Missing text in the 'Week of the Froth Snake' description - Improper grammatical formulation in artifacts properties descriptions in Pirates of the Savage Sea campaign.

In the Demo version, Priory tooltip does not use a plural for the creatures that it creates. The Stronghold 'Advanced Town Portal' has no tooltip.

Incomplete text displayed for the 'accept invite' button. In Dance Macabre campaign, 'Great Lich's set' is not localized in game in Chinese version. Warlords of XEEN - Missing translation of the names of the characters throughout the level. Danse Macabre Campaign - Missing translation of several heroes' names. A Tale of Two Guardians/Warlords of XEEN - Missing text for the sacred building.

The Conquest of Enroth - Missing translation of the names of the characters throughout the level. Unlocked level bonuses don't appear as available in the tooltip description of an equipped Dynasty Weapon. Missing translation in the Extra Content menu.

Might And Magic Heroes 7

The Conquest Of Enroth - The map name and its description are switched, the map is listed with its description. Miscellaneous - In the “Rise to Power” multiplayer map, there is a wrong camera starting position for the players in slots three, five and six. During the 4th Necropolis campaign map, small freezes during the cinematic with Mother Namtaru played at the start of the map. The exchange rates are not the same before and after making a selection in the marketplace window.

There are two 'ChaosMagic' in the magic book and one of their icons is missing in Chinese version. Confusing words in the lower part of the My Dynasty – Hero Abilities description tooltip. Message 'Your hero has been defeated by' appears twice in the events log. Stone Skin Scroll - Missing description. The chat window should not pup up on screen. The text 'Red Palm Tribe' is cut off in the Victory window of the 3rd Sanctuary campaign map.

In the 3rd Sanctuary campaign map, issue during the first dialogue cinematic. In Duel Mode, the user's avatar doesn't change when AI’s turn is. The areas explored by the AI's secondary hero do not unfog. The game crashed when the client joined a multiplayer session and entered the lobby. In “Creek of Lost Souls” map, a rally flag, a neutral stack of creatures and other resources can be found under the ground texture and the hero cannot access them. The heroes' background stories can be modified when entering the game for the first time.

Wrong camera start spot on certain maps. In Duel Mode, the opponent AI will have fewer creatures in a Duel match if the user has previously played a Skirmish map. In the Duel Mode, the options from the drop down list are overlapping when changing the player's position from attacker to defender. The game crashes when the escape key is used to close the multiplayer menu while having the news widget open - The game crashed when selecting 'Play Manually' after being defeated in a Quick Combat. In the Bestiary, low resolution picture for Azkaal.

The game crashed when switching from the surface level to the underground level in the multiplayer Save/Load menu. The game crashes on intro cinematic if the network connection is lost. The user that accepts an invite while he is in a Hotseat lobby will see both the lobbies overlapped. Any pop-up message will remain on the screen after joining a session via game invite. The Player Options Window remains opened after moving the player from the blocked list to the friends list. If a player exits the game on any Multiplayer Standard map, the next player that will exit during the AI's turn will remain stuck - When a user accepts an invite while being into a custom game lobby, he will enter a different server than the host - The game will crash if a user starts an Auto Matchmaking search after he exited a Multiplayer Session in which he entered by accepting an invite from the Auto Matchmaking lobby. All created heroes are unavailable for selection during auto-matchmaking after exiting a multiplayer session in 3 or more players.

The user won't be able to zoom or move the camera using the scroll after he uses the 'Statue of Revelation' Haven building. In the Demo, creatures’ icons are doubled. In the Demo, tapping the arrow to switch town, does not switch town.

In the Crater Isle map, the game crashes for the host when loading an autosaved game by the session's client. In a Sanctuary Town screen, the 'Town Portal' and 'Advanced Town Portal' buildings don't have any animation.

Game crashed when started saved session. The game will crash for the client that enters 2 times in the same save game.

Game crashed when the user left a hotseat game against an AI opponent. While loading the Town Screen, if the ESC button is spammed, a graphical corruption appears. Different items are present in the Artifact Merchant after loading a game. A glitch revealing the fog of war from the map is present when entering the town or fort screen. The user remains stuck in the Town Screen if entering the town and by using the spellbook button.

After creating 44 heroes the 'Create New Hero' button is grayed out and no additional heroes can be created. The game crashes when loading the first autosave made on any campaign map. Switching between different duel maps will allow the user to enter the Duel lobby without a Hero - The game crashes for the initial host after the client loads an auto-saved game - In Duel Mode, creature stack cannot be attacked if overlapped with another stack. Some of the Sandro moves are not audio co-related in Sandro theme menu. In the Gold Edition map, some creatures and resources present in the starting area for the first player slot are not positioned correctly.

In The Lost City map, the user cannot pick the spell scroll after defeating the stack that guards the area. The Quest Log can be opened in the townscreen and it overlaps the already opened town windows. The game crashed for the client when joining a previously saved session by the host. Cut off text for the time log displayed in the friends list. Danse Macadre- The game's background music does not stop when a cutscene starts. The game crashes when the user quits the game on the AI's turn. Quick save cannot be performed after loading a game until a new autosave is generated.

The 'End Turn' button is functional only after it is pressed a second time. The game crashes on the loading screen for the client after joining a saved multiplayer session first created on patch 1.5.2. Error message is received after confirming any purchase from the 'Altar of Wishes'; the user cannot purchase anything from the 'Altar of Wishes'.

“Unlock' button appears 'Unlocked' only after the user closes the DLC unlock window. The user can access the Load game menu in a multiplayer session using hotkeys 'Ctrl+L'.

Community Bug fixes - Artifact - Ring of Swiftness doesn’t increase friendly creatures’ iniative. Miscellaneous - After an Arena battle, battle music keeps playing. Complete balancing list: - Building costs: - Haven - Griffin Aviary - Gold cost decreased to 3750 instead of 5000. Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 7.

Ore cost decreased to 4 instead of 5. Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 7. Griffin Tower - Gold cost decreased to 2500 instead of 3000.

Wood cost decreased to 4 instead of 7. Ore cost decreased to 1 instead of 2. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 7. Altar of Radiance - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 6000. Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 8. Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 8.

Crystal cost decreased to 5 instead of 6. Altar of Resplendence - Gold cost decreased to 3500 instead of 4000. Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 8. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 6 instead of 10. Chapel of the Holy Sun - Gold cost decreased to 3250 instead of 4000. Wood cost decreased to 8 instead of 12.

Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 5. Priory of the Holy Sun - Gold cost increased to 3000 instead of 2500.

Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 7. Ore cost decreased to 4 instead of 5. Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 5. Transept of Heaven - Gold cost decreased to 11000 instead of 15000.

Wood cost decreased to 13 instead of 20. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 14 instead of 20. Transept of Elysium - Gold cost decreased to 9000 instead of 15000. Wood cost decreased to 12 instead of 20. Ore cost decreased to 10 instead of 25.

Crystal cost decreased to 20 instead of 11. Advanced Marketplace - Gold cost decreased to 2500 instead of 3000. Wood cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Ore cost doesn’t change.

Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Unique Building Tier 2 - Gold cost decreased to 2000 instead of 2500. Wood cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Unique Building Tier 3 - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 5000.

Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 8 instead of 10. Marksman Tower - Gold cost decreased to 2750 instead of 3000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change.

Crystal cost doesn’t change. Cathedral of Light - Gold cost increased to 2500 instead of 2250. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change.

Crystal cost doesn’t change. Inferno - Raging Kennels - Gold cost increased to 2250 instead of 2000. Wood cost doesn’t change.

Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost doesn’t change.

Hall of Forbidden Desires - Gold cost decreased to 2750 instead of 3000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost doesn’t change. Spawning Chamber - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 5000. Wood cost decreased to 3 instead of 5.

Ore cost decreased to 4 instead of 7. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 7.

Spawning Hive - Gold cost increased to 3500 instead of 3000. Wood cost increased to 2 instead of 0. Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 6. Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 6. Hall of Torment - Gold cost increased to 3500 instead of 3000. Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 8. Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 8.

Crystal cost decreased to 5 instead of 6. Hall of Agony - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 3500. Wood cost decreased to 0 instead of 2. Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 6. Crystal cost doesn’t change.

Pen of Mayhem - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 5000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 8 instead of 12. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 5. Pen of Chaos - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 5000. Wood cost decreased to 4 instead of 5. Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 10.

Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 10. Pit of Bile - Gold cost decreased to 10000 instead of 12500. Wood cost decreased to 13 instead of 20. Ore cost decreased to 11 instead of 25. Crystal cost decreased to 12 instead of 20. Pit of Hate - Gold cost decreased to 10000 instead of 17500. Wood cost decreased to 12 instead of 20.

Ore cost decreased to 14 instead of 15. Crystal cost decreased to 13 instead of 20. Chaos Crucible - Gold cost decreased to 2500 instead of 3000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost doesn’t change.

Unique Building Tier 2 - Gold cost decreased to 2000 instead of 2500. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Unique Building Tier 3 - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 5000.

Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change.

Crystal cost decreased to 8 instead of 10. Necropolis - Unique Building Tier 2 - Gold cost decreased to 2000 instead of 2500. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Unique Building Tier 3 - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 5000. Wood cost doesn’t change.

Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 8 instead of 10. Hall of Immortals - Gold cost decreased to 7500 instead of 10000. Wood cost increased to 5 instead of 0. Ore cost decreased to 0 instead of 5. Crystal cost doesn’t change.

Sepulcher - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 6000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 7 instead of 10.

Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 7. Mausoleum - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 4000.

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Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 7 instead of 9. Crystal cost decreased to 6 instead of 9. Pestilent Tomb - Gold cost doesn’t change. Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 8. Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 10.

Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 5. Pestilent Catacomb - Gold cost increased to 3500 instead of 3000. Wood cost doesn’t change.

Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 6. Crystal cost doesn’t change. Vampire Mansion - Gold cost decreased to 3500 instead of 4000. Wood cost decreased to 4 instead of 5. Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 8. Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 6.

Vampire Palace - Gold cost decreased to 2500 instead of 4000. Wood cost decreased to 3 instead of 5.

Ore cost decreased to 3 instead of 6. Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 7. Spider Temple - Gold cost decreased to 11000 instead of 17500. Wood cost decreased to 14 instead of 25. Ore cost decreased to 13 instead of 15. Crystal cost decreased to 13 instead of 25.

Spider Sanctum - Gold cost decreased to 9000 instead of 12500. Wood cost decreased to 11 instead of 15. Ore cost decreased to 12 instead of 25.

Crystal cost decreased to 12 instead of 15. Sanctuary - Unique Building Tier 2 - Gold cost decreased to 2000 instead of 2500. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 2 instead of 5.

Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Unique Building Tier 3 - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 5000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 8 instead of 10.

Advanced Marketplace - Gold cost decreased to 2500 instead of 3000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5.

Pearl Sanctuary - Gold cost increased to 2750 instead of 2000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost doesn’t change. Blessed Pond - Gold cost decreased to 2250 instead of 3000.

Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost doesn’t change. Sacred Source - Gold cost decreased to 3250 instead of 4000. Wood cost decreased to 4 instead of 6.

Ore cost decreased to 5 instead of 8. Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 6.

Sanctified Source - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 5000. Wood cost increased to 3 instead of 0. Ore cost decreased to 3 instead of 10. Crystal cost decreased to 6 instead of 8. Frost Shrine - Gold cost increased to 3500 instead of 2500.

Wood cost decreased to 0 instead of 4. Ore cost increased to 7 instead of 5. Crystal cost decreased to 5 instead of 9. Frost Miya - Gold cost decreased to 2500 instead of 3000. Wood cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Ore cost decreased to 3 instead of 7.

Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Sunken Arena - Gold cost decreased to 4250 instead of 5000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost decreased to 8 instead of 11. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 5. Sunken Dojo - Gold cost decreased to 3500 instead of 5000. Wood cost doesn’t change.

Ore cost decreased to 6 instead of 8. Crystal cost decreased to 5 instead of 7. Misty Mountain - Gold cost decreased to 11000 instead of 12500. Wood cost decreased to 13 instead of 25. Ore cost decreased to 13 instead of 25. Crystal cost decreased to 13 instead of 15.

Cloudy Mountain - Gold cost decreased to 9000 instead of 17500. Wood cost decreased to 12 instead of 15. Ore cost decreased to 12 instead of 15. Crystal cost decreased to 12 instead of 25. Stronghold - Unique Building Tier 2 - Gold cost decreased to 2000 instead of 2500. Wood cost decreased to 2 instead of 5 - Ore cost doesn’t change.

Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Unique Building Tier 3 - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 5000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 8 instead of 10. Advanced Marketplace - Gold cost decreased to 2500 instead of 5000. Wood cost decreased to 2 instead of 5.

Might And Magic Heroes Online

Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 2 instead of 5. Dream Lodge - Gold cost increased to 3500 instead of 3000.

Wood cost decreased to 8 instead of 12. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 5. Vision Lodge - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 3500.

Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 7. Ore cost decreased to 4 instead of 5. Crystal cost decreased to 5 instead of 8. Centaur Camp - Gold cost decreased to 4000 instead of 6000. Wood cost decreased to 5 instead of 8 - Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 6 instead of 8. Centaur Outpost - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 4000.

Wood cost decreased to 6 instead of 10. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 7. Hut of Rage - Gold cost decreased to 3500 instead of 4500. Wood cost decreased to 4 instead of 7.

Ore cost decreased to 6 instead of 10. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 5.


Chamber of Rage - Gold cost decreased to 3000 instead of 3500. Wood cost decreased to 4 instead of 5. Ore cost decreased to 4 instead of 5.

Crystal cost decreased to 4 instead of 7. Cyclops Mound - Gold cost decreased to 11000 instead of 17500. Wood cost decreased to 12 instead of 30. Ore cost decreased to 14 instead of 15. Crystal cost decreased to 13 instead of 15. Cyclops Hill - Gold cost decreased to 9000 instead of 12500. Wood cost decreased to 12 instead of 30.

Ore cost decreased to 14 instead of 15. Crystal cost decreased to 13 instead of 15. All Factions - Marketplace - Gold cost increased to 2500 instead of 2000. Basic Fortification - Gold cost increased to 2500 instead of 2000. Wood cost doesn’t change. Ore cost doesn’t change.

Crystal cost doesn’t change. Superior Fortification - Gold cost decreased to 7500 instead of 10000. Wood cost decreased to 15 instead of 20. Ore cost decreased to 15 instead of 20. Crystal cost doesn’t change. Basic Town Portal - Gold cost increased to 3500 instead of 2500. Wood cost doesn’t change.

Ore cost doesn’t change - Crystal cost doesn’t change. Advanced Town Portal - Gold cost increased to 7000 instead of 5000. Wood cost increased to 10 instead of 0. Ore cost increased to 10 instead of 0.

Crystal cost doesn’t change. Tear of Asha - Gold cost doesn’t change. Wood cost decreased to 15 instead of 20. Ore cost decreased to 15 instead of 20.

Crystal cost decreased to 15 instead of 20. Town Dwelling conversion cost - Core basic dwelling - Gold cost increased to 500 instead of 250. Wood cost increased to 1 instead of 0.

Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost decreased to 0 instead of 1. Core Upgrade Dwelling - Gold cost increased to 500 instead of 440.

Wood cost increased to 1 instead of 0. Ore cost doesn’t change.

Crystal cost doesn’t change. Elite basic Dwelling - Gold cost increased to 1000 instead of 500. Wood cost increased to 1 instead of 0. Ore cost doesn’t change. Crystal cost doesn’t change. Elite Upgrade Dwelling - Gold cost decreased to 1000 instead of 1500.

Wood cost decreased to 1 instead of 2. Ore cost decreased to 1 instead of 6. Crystal cost doesn’t change.

Champion basic Dwelling - Gold cost decreased to 2000 instead of 2750. Wood cost decreased to 3 instead of 5. Ore cost increased to 3 instead of 0. Crystal cost decreased to 3 instead of 4. Champion Upgrade Dwelling - Gold cost increased to 2000 instead of 750. Wood cost increased to 3 instead of 1.

Ore cost increased to 3 instead of 1. Crystal cost increased to 3 instead of 1. External Dwellings Production - External Core Dwellings provide now: - Haven - Sentinel +3/week instead of +6/week. Crossbowman +2/week instead of +5/week.

Sister +2/week instead of +4/week. Necropolis - Skeletons +3/week instead of +6/week. Ghoul +2/week instead of +4/week. Ghost +2/week instead of +4/week. Inferno - Maniacs +3/week instead of +5/week. Hellhound +2/week instead of +4/week.

Succubus +2/week instead of +5/week. Sanctuary - Shark Warrior +3/week instead of +5/week. Pearl Priestess +2/week instead of +4/week. Kappa +2/week instead of +5/week. Stronghold - Goblins +3/week instead of +6/week.

Crusher +2/week instead of +3/week. Harpy +2/week instead of +5/week. External Elite Dwellings provide now 2 creatures / week, excepting for the creatures below: - Haven - Sun Rider +1/week instead of +3/week. Radiant Glory +1/week instead of +3/week. Griffin +2/week instead of +2/week. Necropolis - Lich +1/week instead of +3/week. Vampire +2/week instead of +5/week.

Lamasu +1/week instead of +4/week. Inferno - Juggernaut +1/week instead of +2/week.

Breeder +2/week instead of +3/week. Tormentor +1/week instead of +2/week. Sanctuary - Spring Spirit +1/week instead of +4/week. Kenshi +1/week instead of +2/week. Snow Maiden +2/week instead of +3/week. Stronghold - Jaguar Warrior +1/week instead of +3/week. Centaur +1/week instead of +2/week.

Dreamwalker +2/week instead of +4/week. External Champion Dwellings provide now 1 creature / week. Abilities - Effect “FROZEN” now gives vulnerability to “MIGHT” instead of “FIRE”. Effect “CHILLED” now gives vulnerability to “MIGHT” instead of “FIRE”.

“Giant Slayer” bonus increased to 10/11/12 instead of 6/7/8. “Spirit Form” duration last 2 turns maximum now. “Ice Bolt” spell damages increased to 508/585/672 instead of 424/488/560.

Counterstrike III now only affects the first retaliation of a creature. The Blazing Glory’s ability to dispel is now an active ability, which does not consume the turn, 3 turns cooldown. Creature Abilities - Haven - Crossbowman and Marksmen can now shoot without hurting allies. Stronghold - Dreamweaver has now “Sky and Earth” and “Sky and Earth, Mass” abilities.

The following “Strike and Return” creatures can now choose to attack and hold position (Active ability): - Harpy - Fury - Light Elemental - Shadow Elemental - Radiant Glory - Blazing Glory - Duel Mode armies have been modified to match the new creature growth values and to propose 1 Might army and 1 Magic army: - Necropolis - Duel Army 1 - Ghouls stack increased to 156 (+36). Vampire stack increased to 84 (+14). Duel Army 1 - Skeletons stack of 170 units replaces now the first stack of Specters. Ghouls stack increased to 130 (+10).

Specters stack increased to 156 (+26). Lich stack increased to 67 (+11). Sanctuary - Duel Army 1 - Shark stack increased to 180 (+30). Kensei stack increased to 58 (+9).

Duel Army 2 - Kappa stack of 160 units replaces now the first stack of Priestess. Priestess stack increased to 158 (+1cool. Spring Spirit Stack increased to 75 (+12). Haven - Duel Army 1 - Praetorian stack increased to 204 (+24).

Yahoo hockey

Sun Rider stack increased to 67 (+11). Duel Army 2 - Praetorian stack decreased to 170 (-10). Sister stack increased to 168 (+2cool.

Griffin stack of 49 units replaces now the first stack of Radiant Glory. Radiant Glory stack increased to 67 (+11). Inferno - Duel Army 1 - Maniac stack increased to 150 (-140). Cerberus stack increased to 144 (+34). Tormented stack increased to 56 (+13). Juggernaut stack increased to 67 (+cool. Duel Army 2 - Maniac stack increased to 150 (+140).

Cerberus stack of 120 units replaces now the first stack of Succubus. Succubus stack increased to 185 (+1cool. Breeder stack increased to 67 (+11). Tormented stack increased to 56 (+7). Juggernaut stack increased to 56 (+7). Stronghold - Duel Army 1 - Orc stack increased to 144 (+34). Goblin stack increased to 210 (+20).

Harpy stack increased to 140 (+10). Jaguar Warrior stack increased to 67 (+11). Duel Army 2 - Orc stack increased to 120 (+10). Goblin stack increased to 210 (+20).

Harpy stack increased to 158 (+2cool. Jaguar Warrior stack of 56 units replaces now the first stack of Shaman.

Shaman stack increased to 75 (+9). Creatures characteristics - Haven - Crossbowman Maximum damage increased to 5 (+1). Crossbowman Movement decreased to 5 (-1). Marksman Minimum damage increased to 4 (+1).

Marksman Maximum damage increased to 6 (+1). Marksman Movement decreased to 5 (-1). Inferno - Maniac Luck decreased to 14 (-6). Demented Luck decreased to 16 (-cool. Succubus Luck decreased to 15 (-1). Lilim Luck decreased to 18 (-2). Tormentor Luck decreased to 8 (-12).

Lacerator Luck decreased to 10 (-14). Juggernaut Luck decreased to 12 (-cool.

Breeder growth rate increased to 5 (+1). Ravager Luck decreased to 12 (-10).

Ravager Movement increased to 7 (+1). Pit Fiend Luck decreased to 8 (-cool. Pit Lord Lock decreased to 9 (-9).

Sanctuary - Kirin Growth rate decreased to 1 (-1). Kirin Cost increase to 1705 (+300). Kirin Health increase to 260 (+15). Kirin Minimum damage increased to 54 (+1). Kirin Maximum damage increased to 58 (+1).

Sacred Kirin Cost increased to 2130 (+300). Sacred Kirin Health increased to 275 (+10).

Sacred Kirin Minimum damage increased to 58 (+3). Sacred Kirin Maximum damage increased to 62 (+3).

Program cannot run, because d3dx940.dll missing from computer. Try fix it by installing game again I have Direct X11. If I understand right Game doesn't find Direct X9.!? Well I don't have it. As this game is new and should work under Windows7 as well, so I Thought direct X9 is minimum not maximum. But Now it seems to me that direct X11 is too much to this game. So is there any change to get game to work?

I would be thankful for help, as I just brought this game. No I don't think to erase X11, so that I could install X9. Originally posted by Jarkki73: Program cannot run, because d3dx940.dll missing from computer.

Try fix it by installing game again I have Direct X11. If I understand right Game doesn't find Direct X9.!?

Well I don't have it. As this game is new and should work under Windows7 as well, so I Thought direct X9 is minimum not maximum. But Now it seems to me that direct X11 is too much to this game. So is there any change to get game to work?

I would be thankful for help, as I just brought this game. No I don't think to erase X11, so that I could install X9. You don't have to erase dx11, you just need to install dx9 as well, it won't harm or over write any dx11 files. The same thing often happened with Vista a few years back, like Win 7 and dx11, Vista and dx10 was supposed to be backwards compatible with dx9, but was missing some dx9 files that a lot of games used, and the fix was the same, install dx9. Originally posted by Jarkki73: Program cannot run, because d3dx940.dll missing from computer.

Try fix it by installing game again I have Direct X11. If I understand right Game doesn't find Direct X9.!? Well I don't have it. As this game is new and should work under Windows7 as well, so I Thought direct X9 is minimum not maximum.

But Now it seems to me that direct X11 is too much to this game. So is there any change to get game to work? I would be thankful for help, as I just brought this game.

No I don't think to erase X11, so that I could install X9. You just need to install DX9 (missed libraries), link for web-install of directX: - download this and run.

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